On-stream pond silt removal
On-stream pond dredging

On-stream rock pool

Naiad Pond Services - Working with water since 1980

We remove silt from on-stream ponds  in Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire.

On-stream ponds

Where there is a stream running through the land and a desire to create a pond, the immediate and simplest solution would appear to be to dig a pond in the line of the stream. However there are one or two pitfalls inherent in this type of on-stream pond construction. The main hurdle is that there can be no control of the water entering the pond; neither its quantity nor its quality and of course that means the on-stream pond will silt up rapidly. In reality, it is probably not possible these days to obtain permission to create a new on-stream pond. The preferred configuration for a stream-fed pond is one where the stream bypasses the pond, simply topping up the pond as it flows past. Maintenance of the pond is reduced considerably as siltation rates are significantly reduced.

We dredge silt from on-stream ponds and repair water control structures and leaking pond banks. We have devised a method of creating an "in pond" bypass stream to mimic the preferred off-stream construction of a stream-fed pond, thereby reducing the rate of future siltation.

We plant, maintain, repair and remove silt from on-stream ponds in Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire.


The bad news is that, in the past, on-stream ponds were created in naturally boggy ground adjacent to a stream and in the process destroyed valuable wetland habitat. The good news is that the upkeep of an on-stream pond is often so expensive that many are being allowed slowly to return to their natural state.

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